Should Office Building Security Guards Be Armed?
Unparalleled Security

Should Office Building Security Guards Be Armed?

Office buildings may seem like everyday places that are relatively safe. Still, most office buildings can benefit from security services. With security guards protecting your office building, your customers, employees, and property will be kept safer, and you'll have peace of mind that many potential problems are being prevented.

But when considering hiring security guards for your office building, you may wonder if they need to be armed. In this guide from Unparalleled Security, we review some differences between armed and unarmed security guards to help you decide which type of protection is right for your office building.

Armed Versus Unarmed Security Guards

While armed and unarmed security guards do some of the same things, there are differences. 

The primary difference is that armed guards carry a weapon, usually a firearm, while unarmed security guards do not. Depending on the state and industry, the unarmed guard will likely have some protection, such as pepper spray, but they aren't trained to carry any serious weapon.

So, while armed and unarmed security guards can patrol parking lots, parking garages, and office buildings, armed security guards generally offer a higher level of protection and are better for more dangerous situations.

When Do You Really Need An Armed Security Guard?

When hiring security personnel, you need to assess the risk level of your office building. Generally, an office building is a relatively low-risk environment. Security guards in low-risk environments are mainly there to deter issues and prevent minor crimes like vandalism in threat.

On the other hand, higher-risk environments often call for armed security. 

If your office building is in an area where crime is more rampant, you may want an armed guard to protect your building and the people who use it. If violent crime is a concern in the area, an armed security guard offers more protection.

Consider The Message Your Security Guards Send

Unarmed security guards generally put the general public more at ease, so if you're in a low-crime area, having armed guards might put people on edge. However, if a violent interaction happened around your office building before, your employees may welcome the advanced protection of having armed security guards around.

What Are the Liability Concerns?

As with all things, some concerns can come with any decision. One of the biggest with an armed guard is liability simply because they're carrying a weapon, and there's no way of knowing exactly what will happen in each situation. 

Liability insurance can help negate some of the worries. If you're trying to keep high-profile executives or high-value inventory safe, it's generally the best choice to deter criminals and reduce the risk of loss or damage.

Tips for Hiring a Security Guard for Your Office Building

Every business owner's priority is making a profit, and you have to weigh out costs versus expenses. While hiring armed security has a cost, it can reduce your liabilities and help your business stay successful because you have individuals on site keeping it safe, reducing the risk of loss or property damage.

If you are new to the business and searching for an unparalleled company, a few questions we always recommend asking are:

Do They Have the Appropriate Licensing & Certifications?

To be insured in its state, a professional company needs to have up-to-date inappropriate certifications and licensing. Make sure you ask for proof of these documents, and if they are unable to provide them, find a different company. 

At Unparalleled Security, keeping up with our protective agent licensing is critical to our business, so you never have to worry about coverage when you work with our team.

What Is Their Emergency Response Plan?

While you can't be prepared for everything, having a general plan can be helpful in case there's a break-in or vandalism. Always check with the company you're considering to make sure that they have a series of strategies and plans in place so they can be executed with confidence in the worst-case scenario.

What Does Staff Training Consist Of?

Even with the most thoroughly planned strategy, the staff needs to have the right training to protect your building. It's imperative to make sure that the company you're choosing has the right training and meets your needs. 

The Unparalleled Security team is always background checked and FBI fingerprinted, and we only provide the best training in the business to ensure that we can handle any situations that arise.

High-Quality Security Guards In Minnesota

Unparalleled Security provides trained, qualified security personnel you can trust. We can also help you decide on the right kind of security services for your building. 

Our experts are here to help, so call us today at 651-300-1515 to get started!

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